• The Ultraview platform is a turnkey, remote inspection solution that combines AI and Aerial Robotics (AKA Drones or UAVs) to deliver a more efficient, safer, and less subjective aircraft inspection. The platform consists of bespoke hardware, software, and AI algorithms that are tightly integrated for a simple, easy to operate, intuitive set of tools.

  • Currently, the platform works for most narrow body and regional commercial and military aircraft. Contact us for more info on how the platform can accommodate other types.

  • The Ultraview platform offers several distinct advantages vs traditional, manual GVI (General Visual Inspection). These include:

    Safety - use of automated inspection solutions requires fewer people, less equipment, and far less time than manual inspection. As any MRO operator knows, each of those factors translates directly to potentially dangerous conditions and reducing them is best for everyone involved. A better inspection solution also means more accurate and faster identification of damage and other issues requiring maintenance, which translates directly to increased passenger safety - the number one priority for any aerospace operator.

    Efficiency - the capture and review stages of an automated inspection can reduce inspection turnaround time by between 25-80%, freeing up high skill team members to work on more active, hands-on maintenance tasks. Time savings and critical issue identification early in base maintenance visits also translates directly to more efficient visits and fewer busted TATs, which can be incredibly costly to operators and passengers.

    Novel Data Source - The Ultraview platform captures robust, consistent, and complete data about the condition of your aircraft at a given moment in time. Use of the platform across your fleet and over time builds up a brand new repository of information and pattern data that can help with proactive and even predictive maintenance. That data also becomes an important part of how you track and manage the aircraft throughout its lifecycle.

  • As with any heavily regulated activity, the answer isn’t always simple or straightforward. The short version is that the major OEM’s have begun to accept these novel methods of completing GVI as alternatives to the traditional method, including some direct coverage within the AMM. A more broad ruling from key regulatory agencies is expected in the very near future which will help clarify and fully certify GPR (GVI Performed Remotely - as in the Ultraview platform).

  • Most aircraft can be fully imaged in less than 2 hours. Image review time varies but the total time to complete an inspection and generate non-routine tasks with the Ultraview platform is significantly faster than with traditional, manual inspection.

  • At Ultraview, safety and security are our first priority. See our Data Security Statement and Policy for more information about how we protect the platform and your data. Unlike some providers, we also begin from the position that you own your data and that any access or rights we may need to operate the platform and improve the product will always be with your knowledge and approval.

  • Absolutely. At the core of the Ultraview platform is our navigation system, which includes robust object detection and collision avoidance systems. The path the drone takes is specifically designed to ensure it always has a fast and safe option to land, if needed. The system also continually monitors for unanticipated objects or people in proximity to the aircraft and will not continue operation if it detects anything it deems to be unsafe.

    The Ultraview platform has also been designed with a simple, intuitive UX, which helps limit any possibility of user error or issues in operating the drone or accompanying software. We also provide hands-on, onsite support with every new deployment to ensure you’re 100% confident in operating the platform before we leave.

  • Unfortunately, the unique requirements of Aircraft inspection do not lend themselves to the use of off-the-shelf drone hardware. Additionally, many commercial drones contain components that do not meet the regulatory requirements for aerospace operations. If you have a need that requires hardware modifications or something our standard hardware platform doesn’t include, please reach out - we can and will work with you to help ensure the platform meets your needs.

  • The typical onboarding process for Ultraview lasts between 60-90 days, during which we walk you through a well-thought out program plan for integration and training on the platform. While there are some elements of the onboarding process that will depend on your specific needs, number and type of facilities, etc. we are confident that the vast majority of operators can get up and running in that range.

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